Inside the Builder’s Tech Playbook 2022
Today’s housing game plays on a constantly changing field where technology is becoming a rapidly progressing factor in how builders "win" both the most and best buyers. Interpret’s market research indicates that 41 percent of U.S. adults desire smart home technology in their next home generally, and an even greater percentage expect tech in a newly constructed home. Builders are responding.
New builder market research will be released at the TecHome Builder Summit Fall 2022 which provides a first-of-its-kind look inside the homebuilder’s tech playbook. The research, designed and conducted by Interpret in collaboration with AE Ventures captures:
- The business strategy driving smart home tech investments
- The specific device and home control system technologies being deployed today and anticipated in the future
- The logic behind brand selection
- The tech messaging strategy for homebuyers
- Details about builders’ procurement priorities and partnership value chain.
Sponsors: Nice and GE Appliances.